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Famous Last Words

Apr 05, 2020 | Orville White

I Thirst

We continue in our series today "Famous Last Words". This week Pastor Orville will be breaking down one of Jesus’ last spoken words “I Thirst.” What did Jesus mean by these words? We all have a thirst. The way we quench that thirst will determine the success of our life. Jesus offers a quenching that will leave us never thirsting again. Join Pastor Orville as he unravels this timely message.

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Series Information

A series of the last words used by Jesus as he was on the Cross. Each week we will cover at a time, and the last week we will cover the last 2 verses in one sermon.

Be sure to make it to Church and experience this series in person if you have the opportunity, as we pray the Holy Spirit will move in this series in preparation of our Easter Sunday service.