Celebrating A Risen Savior
Luke 24:1-8
The reward for accepting Jesus Christ as your best friend is being added to the "Book Of Life". How do you get your name in the Book of Life? By confessing with your mouth, believing in your heart and accepting by faith that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved!
Jesus wasn't crucified and resurrected just so that we can punch a ticket into Heaven and pray and hope to make it to the sweet by and by. No, he died and rose so that we might thrive in the nasty now and now. He came to give us not just life, but abundant life.
If you ask yourself this question; "What actions, attitudes or addictions, would you like to be gone and buried to rise up out of today?
(Video "He's Still Risen" used in Sermon)
(Video "That's My King" used in Sermon)
Scripture References
Romans 10:9
Romans 10:13
Hebrews 12:1
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